An injured shoulder can interfere with simple daily activities like showering, sleeping, eating and staying active doing the things you love. Not all shoulder injuries can be prevented, but there are plenty of steps you can take to avoid them. To that end, consider the following ways to prevent shoulder injuries:
- Warm up before you exercise or participate in physical activities. Do a few sets of arm circles or range of motion exercises to warm up your arm and shoulder muscles.
- Don’t forger to stretch after exercising to improve flexibility and prevent injuries.
- Take occasional rest days to give your muscles and joints time to recover.
- Introduce variety in your exercise routine so you don’t injure your shoulders from overuse.
- Maintain proper posture whether you’re sitting, standing, or walking. Keep your back straight, but relaxed, avoid locking your knees, and don’t hunch your shoulders.
- Follow proper techniques when lifting or throwing. Many shoulder injuries are the result of poor or lazy technique.
- Strengthen your core through bodyweight exercises. Your core is the support system for your entire body and having a strong core ensures that your shoulders will function properly.
- Build your endurance by incorporating cardio into your workouts. Endurance makes it easier for you to stay focused and avoid making mistakes.
- Avoid standing on unstable objects to reach things and avoid trying to catch falling objects.
- Gradually ncrease the amount you lift and get help when carrying large, unwieldy objects.
- Don’t work out or lift heavy objects if you are light headed or extremely tired.
- Strengthen your rotator cuff through simple exercises with free weights or resistance bands.
- Always seek treatment for injuries before they get worse.
- Follow the advice of your trainer, coach, physical therapist and, of course, your orthopedic surgeon.
If you have a shoulder injury or to learn more about protecting your shoulders from injury, call and schedule an appointment, today: St. John – (219) 365-0220; Crown Point – (219) 661-8661; Lowell – (219) 696-6353.